Cotopaxi Volcano |
After seven wonderful days in the Galapagos, we stood in lines at the airports, and suffered through two different flight changes before arriving back in Quito, Ecuador. After one day of touring the city, we headed out of town to
Guango Lodge on the other side of the mountains for some hummingbird viewing. The weather was unusually clear, and we got great views of Cotopaxi Volcano. The guide told us there are 65 volcanoes in Ecuador, and 32 of them are active. I was surprised that so many of the buildings in Quito seemed to be made of simple cement blocks. When the big quake comes, there may not be many buildings left standing.
Driving at Risk |
Of course, actually reaching the Lodge was a risky undertaking. The roads leading through the mountains wind up, down and almost in circles. The pass was about 13,500 feet above sea level, with chill winds making us wish we had warmer jackets on. The roads are in good condition, but only two lanes, not surprising considering the height of the mountains. When the grade steepened trucks and buses such as our own slowed down, but the cars were impatient. Despite the double yellow lines, and inability to see around the next corner, no one seemed deterred by ther danger. They just stepped on the gas and roared passed us. Actually, we did so ourselves one time when stuck behind a truck filled with cement blocks proceeding at about 5 mph!
Collared Inca Hummingbird |
The birds were worth it though! Kevin saw 37 species in all, including hummingbirds and others, but I didn't see half that many. Of course, hummigbirds fly really fast, as you know, and it was hard to find/identify them in the shadows. This black and white bird was probably the most common, a Collared Inca. Several species had white feathers around their eyes, making them look like big eyes from an Egyptian tomb. After a sip at the nectar, the little birds smack their beaks - or so it appears when their tongues dart in and out.
Chestnut-breasted Coronet |
This Chestnut-breasted Coronet claimed one particular branch as his own. After sipping at the feeder, or chasing the other birds away, he returned to the same branch all day, basking in the sun, and watching to see what we were doing.
Buff-winged Starfontlet |
The Buff-winged Starfrontlet was another aggressive bird, chasing the others away from the feeders.
Long-tailed Sylph |
One of my favorites was this Long-tailed Sylph - just look at that tail!
Long-tailed Sylph |
And his face glowed in irridescent green. You'd think he'd have trouble flying so fast with such a long tail.
Sword-billed Hummingbird |
On the other hand, we wondered how in the world this Sword-billed Hummingbird got anything to drink at all from the feeders, given his long, long bill. The book says this is an uncommon bird. He can't land at the feeder...
Sword-billed Hummingbird |
...and after feeding, he back away, then tips his bill up to make sure it all slides down. And, no, we didn't see any of them fighting duels with their bills!
Rio Guango |
The Rio Guango rampages down from the heights, and believe it or not, some people kayak on it. The problem is that there aren't any calm places to take a break after paddling for a long time.
Torrent Duck Female |
Torent Duck Male |
Who would expect to find ducks in a river like this? How about the aptly named Torrent Duck? They actually swam
upstream against the torrent! We felt like these ducks the next day, fighting upstream with immigration, customs and security at both the Quito and Houston airports the next day. Although we really thought we would miss our flight in Houston, we made it with seconds to spare, and arrived home safely. So this should be the end of the posts for our big trip. Adios South America!