Cedar Waxwing |
A new group named
Botanica is working to create a botanical garden in Louisville, on the former site of an automobile impound lot. The cars are gone, and the poison hemlock covers the field. They asked Beckham Bird Club to do a bird census today, so several club members met this morning, tromping through the mud and puddles from last night's thunderstorm. Rob is one of my favorite birding leaders because he knows the song and call of every bird in the field guide. It's always a good chance for me to brush up on my bird songs. We must have found about 30 Cedar Waxwings throughout the morning.
Yellow Warbler |
Indigo Bunting |
Yellow Warblers and Indigo Buntings were present in good numbers too, calling from the brush and trees every few yards it seemed.
Least Flycatcher |
Baltimore Oriole |
We had to work a little harder to finally see this Flycatcher and the Oriole. All morning we were surprised by the lack of other expected warblers. Chickadees, Nuthatches and Tufted Titmice, normally abundant birds at any time, must have been feeding somewhere else today.
Veery |
I've been hearing the eerie echoing call of the Veery several days this week in my backyard, but have been unable to find it. The only other time I've ever heard one was at Magee Marsh in Ohio a couple years ago. They are members of the Thrush family, and resemble young Robins, but the song is distinctive. They migrate through Kentucky on the way to breeding territory in southern Canada, and I've never seen one locally. Today, I went out with my phone app, trying to call one in so I could prove it was actually here. After I gave up and came back inside, the darn little thing sat on the fence and sang for me. The photos are a little fuzzy, since I had to take them through a slightly dirty window. If I kept a yard list, this would definitely be a new addition!
PS - some birding friends say this is really a Gray-cheeked Thrush, which is a life bird for us!