A side effect of sitting before a computer in the IT Department all day is that I don't get on my computer at home unless there are some new photos to work with. Thus, it took over a week for me to see that Katdoc had tagged me for this! Sorry for the delay Kathy, but here goes. And Merry Christmas!
1. Athletic Activities: I used to go whitewater rafting in West Virginia every fall, on the New River or the Gauley. One year we went on the Upper Gauley (serious whitewater) during the remnants of Hurricane Hugo. I smashed my front teeth in on the paddle, and after three root canals to repair the damage, decided to take up riding and showing American Saddlebred horses, a safer activity! Now hiking around looking for birds is as active as I get--as long as it doesn't make me sweat.
2. Trivia: I love trivia! Jeopardy is my favorite TV show. I took the online test once, but didn't do very well, so I'll just continue being the armchair Jeopardy champion. I've always wanted to know everything.
3. Retirement: It's coming soon, and I have great plans. I want to write a book about the Falls of the Ohio using my photos. The Kentucky Raptor Rehab can always use more volunteers. I'll be the best raptor presentation giver they've ever had! Or course, we want to travel too - National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, any place with birds and nature.
4. Winter: Winter makes me SAD. It's dark when I leave for the office and dark when I come home. I pack a lunch, and don't get out at all during the day. I'd like to just hibernate like a bear and sleep until Spring.
5. Warm and fuzzy: I have a double sided fleece blanket (with cardinals on it) which is the warmest thing I've ever seen. The cat sits on my lap and we both are comfy cozy for a nice nap in the easy chair.
6. Mountains: I burned up a set of brakes (literally - there was smoke trailing behind us) in the Smokies once and have distrusted mountains ever since. At Rocky Mountain National Park, I got altitude sickness and felt just awful till we came back down to a lower elevation. I have absolutely no interest in skiing since it requires both mountains and cold.
So that's about all there is to know about me....
Now, who to tag next? I follow the same people's blogs that Katdoc does mostly. That's how I found her and her wonderful sense of humor. We have friends who volunteer with my husband at Bernheim Forest and Arboretum. They don't have individual blogs mostly, but all contribute to one jointly, so I'm going to tag several people there. If I've tagged anyone else who has been tagged a dozen times before, my apologies.
Bob Lenning at Naturewriter and Thingamabobs
Wren at Naturewriter
Tavia at Naturewriter
Terrell at Naturewriter
Swampy at Swampthings
Kathie at Sycamore Canyon
Here are the rules for Six Random Things:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Thanks for playing! I of know the New and Gauley Rivers from my birding trip to West Virginia in 2007, but only by name, not from personal experience with the whitewater. There is a great pottery place there called Gauley River Pottery, run by a husband and wife team of potters. They used to be river guides, and one of their glaze patterns reflects the river.
I can't seem to make that link "clickable," Cut and paste if you would like to see Gauley River Pottery.
Fenton Glass makes beautiful cranberry glass, but we never had time on rafting weekends to go visit. Try the New River when the weather is warm for a fun rafting trip. One year we got caught in sleet on the Lower Gauley and had to paddle backwards for several miles 'cause the ice hurt our faces so much.
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