Monday, March 05, 2012

Fickle March

March is the time for fickle weather. We haven't had much winter this year at all, and on Friday, the temperature was in the 70's. The Weather Channel torcon rating for Kentucky and Indiana was 9 of 10, meaning that there was a 90% chance of tornadoes - the highest I have ever seen - and the forecast was certainly correct. Tornadoes almost wiped out the small towns of Henryville, IN, (just north of Louisville) and West Liberty, KY, with a death toll of 34 so far. A one year old child was found in a field. Her parents and siblings died in the storm, and she died of her injuries later. Please include all these people in your prayers that they can pull their lives back together again and go on after losing so much.

I had been watching for early bloomers, such as our liverwort, and harbinger of spring. Our daffodils are in full bloom, and the little purple crocus are about finished. Sunday the temperatures dropped, and this morning we awoke to a beautiful covering of snow. They don't expect it to last long, so I dashed out to take some photos.

The birds in my backyard just fluffed their feathers a bit and sang joyously.

Ounce for ounce, I think the Carolina Wren is the loudest bird in the world, or at least in my yard! I had to search to find this small brown bird perched in the snow covered leaves of our pin oak...

...until he flew in for a quick breakfast of peanuts.

Both male and female Cardinal checked me out before leaving the safety of the trees. When it started to snow in just one spot, I knew a squirrel was running across the branches shaking the snow to the ground.

This Downy Woodpecker is one of our regular visitors as well. When you live outside all the time, you can't let a little snow get in your way.

We are sitting with our granddog and cat this week while the kids and Kittrick visit the Florida family, and Bailey was excited to explore the new scents in the snow. By Wednesday, it's supposed to reach 66 degrees again. sure is March, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. joseph yurt11:59 PM

    This is a charming collection of photos Kathy. I feel like I was standing right next to you!
