Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Oh the Pandemic!

Oh, the Pandemic! In reviewing this blog, I find that I posted a lot during the spring migration of 2020. There were good birds, and I figured I didn't need to wear a mask outside birding, right? The rest of 2020 was a big flop as far as birding and blogging went. We had a big debate about having the whole family (all ten of them) for Christmas. Mostly I just sat in the chair vegetating for months. It's hard to keep track of time when you go nowhere and do nothing.  

The annual Great Backyard Bird Count was scheduled for Saturday, February 13. Louisville Audubon Society partners with Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve for this event, and we decided (in a Zoom board meeting) that we could still do it, by eliminating the part inside and asking everyone to wear masks on the bird walk. However, as the date approached, the weather forecast was terrible, predicting low temperatures in the single digits or teens, so we decided to cancel it for that date. Instead, we used our Facebook page to encourage everyone to participate on their own, posting photos of common winter birds. I was amazed at the reception - more people than normally view that page on FB. Guess they likd my photos.

However, that Saturday, the 13th, was the beginning of our big winter storms. Kentucky wasn't hit as much as Texas, and we didn't lose power at our house (thank heavens!) I would wake up in the night worrying about what to do if the power went out. You can put lighted candles under terracotta pots to help heat a room, but do we have any pots? Looking back at a calendar, the storms and cold only lasted a little over a week. If you asked me how long it was, I would have said about three weeks! We started with a layer of ice, then about 2 inches of snow. Once the roads were cleared it dropped another 2 inches of snow. Dick was brave and went to the YMCA for yoga when he could, and tried to get me to the Mall to walk whenever he could persuade me (not much that is). By the 21st, temperatures started rising above freezing, and life resumed it's regular patterns. Some friends continued to bird throughout this cold-snap, posting beautiful photos. I don't see how they did it. Oh, we finally got reservations for our COVID vaccines on March 2. That was a source of anxiety too. We'll start making some travel plans for later this year. Sigh!

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