It's a blustery day - windy, rain, a little sleet, followed by snow. Only one more work week remains until my official retirement, so I decide to buy a new bird feeder and pole to hang all my feeders on as an early retirement present. The neighborhood birds approve of this decision and flock to inspect the new hanging restaurant. From the crowds, I think I must be earning a five feather review!

Other bloggers have noted large numbers of Pine Siskins at their feeders, while I never saw any in my yard. Today I join the crowd and find several Siskins among the Gold Finches. They have stripes like a female House Finch, but today I see the yellow that distinguishes the two species. Hooray! A Lifer in my backyard!

Our little Carolina Wren goes after the last of the suet. I've got Julie's recipe for Zick dough and plan to get the ingredients at the store tomorrow to whip up a batch. Then I just need to decide where to put it for easy access.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal stop by for a quick bite....

... along with this bright eyed Mockingbird and a squirrel who isn't to0 proud to take the leftovers.

One person, however, isn't so happy with the new arrangements. Pippin, our fat cat, will have trouble adjusting to my retirement, I fear. According to FatCat time, whenever Mom is home, it's time to eat. "Mrroww! Feed me NOW!" Jump on Mom's lap.
"Mrroww! Feed me NOW!" Walk on her computer.
"Mrroww! Feed me NOW!" Look her right in the eye.
"Mrroww! Feed me NOW!" Now is that the look of a neglected cat? Need you ask...
Since it is March 1st, can I assume that you are living the life of leisure now? If so, may I be the first to say congratulations. Your poor under-nourished kitty will be glad you are home all day. I had to laugh though, cuz my cats want to be fed constantly when I am home.
Did your retirement portend this snow storm? Are you stuck at home in the snow? I hope the bird restaurant is still open for business! Looks like you are getting quite the clientele there!
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