The earth says hello
You shine bright above us
We squint far below
Good morning sunshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we sing
Our early morning singin' song
Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song
With respect to the musical "Hair", have you ever read the lyrics to that Starshine song? Goodness, the things we did in our youth! In any event, isn't the sunshine lovely this morning? The ice just sparkles, and I hope some more of it will melt on the pavement and trees this afternoon.

The things I do for a little sunflower seed. The Birdcage Saloon!
It's time to search around for the next birding trip we can make, since we enjoyed Arizona so much. Jekyll Island has a festival in October. Crane Creek in Ohio is closer. They have a big to-do in May, but May is already so full here in Kentucky. Of course, South Texas has their big festival at the Rio Grande Valley Bird Fest in November. I still want to go to the Indiana Dunes on Lake Michigan. Dick got the schedules for his two main volunteer jobs, and is feeling a little overwhelmed. "Remember," I remind him, "Volunteer means you go when you want to, not just because they have something going on." My own retirement gets closer every day, and we'll be able to make some of these trips during the week instead of trying to find a free weekend very soon. WooHoo!
That picture of the birdcage saloon is awesome! I've been thinking about festivals too. I defintely planning on the Rio Grande Valley one in Nov. Bev
So, have you checked out the New River Birding Festival? I am going, along with a lot of other bird bloggers. It is in WV in April, which should be closer to you. There's a link on my blog. Just tell them kathiesbirds sent you!
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